runge taitai

the feed farming industry has begun to implement the hygienic standard without antibiotics from july 2020. enzyme preparation and micro-ecologics are recognized as the mainstream solutions to replace antibiotics. granda has made great efforts to develop products to replace antibiotics in the early stage, which will become the new profit growth point of granda in the future. at present, granda maintains strategic cooperation with sichuan runge, which is cooperating with huazhong agricultural university. high-end protein products, such as runge taitai, high-end yeast culture and multifunctional enzyme milk calcium, have been well received by the market. facing the era of no-antibiotics, the company united with suppliers and core customers to form customized and differentiated solutions, while continuously upgrading and iterating to collect a large number of application data for solutions that can replace antibiotics products.

浏览次数: 12
